The arteries of interstate highways may be the source of regenerated life amid the infection of industrial agriculture that has bathed Midwest land in herbicides and anhydrous fertilizer, and of course chemical-laced livestock manure. After we are gone.

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Agreed! The ecology is grim, especially with the watershed, which no private restoration can materially impact. What a strangely plausible future vision you paint 🛣🌾🌾🌻

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Driving between KC and Lawrence about a thousand times in the early 90s, a trip crossing the border in the form of the Missouri River, a stretch of I-70 feels like a neighborhood street to me in many ways. The numbers on bridges in Kansas like numbers on mailboxes.

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What awesome memories and vignettes, Brandon. Thanks for sharing, and for reading 🛣🙏

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Sounds like a difficult but important trip. Our best goes out to your folks, here's to a steady recovery!

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Thank you 🙏

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I so enjoy this Sunday delivery. I clicked on the link about your brother, Alex. My belated condolences. His trajectory reminded me of a discovery I made only yesterday, of Amy Rigby, a singer/songwriter/creative active in the early punk scene in NYC circa late 70's and early 80s. And she also writes more recently of attending to an ailing father. Just thought I'd share: https://diaryofamyrigby.wordpress.com/2022/09/07/clean-laundry-2/

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This is a beautiful piece. Thank you for sharing it 🙏

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