Taking Zevon to the dog park and river yesterday we saw a fox with a small dead rodent in its jaws as it bounded through the tall brown grass. Well distant of the dog park, of course: it would not do well with the volume of large, momentarily feral canines dashing about.
The F1 was a helluva camera, and you can also use it to hammer nails. Two thoughts if you are okay with me sharing them: First, pick up a couple of filters if you haven't already. I'd suggest maybe a yellow and a polarizer. You don't need a red, since it'll make every B&W shot you take look over the top apocalyptic. Second, for macro shots of non-living or at least non-moving subjects, if you have a tripod, you can always take a series of shots with the focus in different places, scan them all, and then do focus stack with Photoshop. Although now that I mention Photoshop, Lightroom has presets that can make any photo look like you've shot with a filter. More fun to do it the old school method, I think, although you're then committed.
Also also, my wife and I saw HOW TO BLOW UP A PIPELINE at the local rep theatre yesterday afternoon. It's a tense and angry thriller with a wonderful twist at the end. Highly recommended.
Thanks, Darryl! That is super helpful advice on the camera (and you make me want to get a red filter since over the top apocalyptic may be just the ticket). Good to know about the movie! I am sure it will show up here soon (or online).
Fox, I think, are one of the quintessential creatures in amine because of their seemingly implicit magical qualities. Two that come to mind - Karuma from Naruto and what I think is an homage to Karuma in the Good Hunting episode from Love, Death & Robots.
Taking Zevon to the dog park and river yesterday we saw a fox with a small dead rodent in its jaws as it bounded through the tall brown grass. Well distant of the dog park, of course: it would not do well with the volume of large, momentarily feral canines dashing about.
The F1 was a helluva camera, and you can also use it to hammer nails. Two thoughts if you are okay with me sharing them: First, pick up a couple of filters if you haven't already. I'd suggest maybe a yellow and a polarizer. You don't need a red, since it'll make every B&W shot you take look over the top apocalyptic. Second, for macro shots of non-living or at least non-moving subjects, if you have a tripod, you can always take a series of shots with the focus in different places, scan them all, and then do focus stack with Photoshop. Although now that I mention Photoshop, Lightroom has presets that can make any photo look like you've shot with a filter. More fun to do it the old school method, I think, although you're then committed.
Also also, my wife and I saw HOW TO BLOW UP A PIPELINE at the local rep theatre yesterday afternoon. It's a tense and angry thriller with a wonderful twist at the end. Highly recommended.
Thanks, Darryl! That is super helpful advice on the camera (and you make me want to get a red filter since over the top apocalyptic may be just the ticket). Good to know about the movie! I am sure it will show up here soon (or online).
Good news about your new book! I will be excited to read it.
Thank you so much! 🙏💚🌞
Fox, I think, are one of the quintessential creatures in amine because of their seemingly implicit magical qualities. Two that come to mind - Karuma from Naruto and what I think is an homage to Karuma in the Good Hunting episode from Love, Death & Robots.
Thanks, Brandon! I need to check those out with my daughter
Make sure you do a parental viewing approval prior!
imagining a world where those merged May Days flourish :) thanks