As usual, Mr. Brown, a great morning read. Thanks! I like how you leave the USFW Barred Owl removal program unjudged for readers to draw their own conclusions. Dan Flores' tale, in Coyote America, of the many cruelties and outrages of the several iterations of what is today USDA Wildlife Services (what a misnomer!) I found almost too hard to read. But I, too, will leave other readers to judge. Ha.
As usual, Mr. Brown, a great morning read. Thanks! I like how you leave the USFW Barred Owl removal program unjudged for readers to draw their own conclusions. Dan Flores' tale, in Coyote America, of the many cruelties and outrages of the several iterations of what is today USDA Wildlife Services (what a misnomer!) I found almost too hard to read. But I, too, will leave other readers to judge. Ha.
As usual, Mr. Brown, a great morning read. Thanks! I like how you leave the USFW Barred Owl removal program unjudged for readers to draw their own conclusions. Dan Flores' tale, in Coyote America, of the many cruelties and outrages of the several iterations of what is today USDA Wildlife Services (what a misnomer!) I found almost too hard to read. But I, too, will leave other readers to judge. Ha.
Thank you! 🦉🙏
I'm with you on those sentiments, JDavis.